One school’s move to implement evidence based instruction.

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One school’s move to implement evidence based instruction.

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

This is an important post for principals and headteachers on the Five from Five site:
Principals carry overall responsibility for the reading instruction in schools. However, many principals have not been teachers of early reading and do not have the specialist knowledge required to make evidence-based decisions about reading instruction. Once principals are equipped with this knowledge, the next challenge is to make the changes necessary to ensure every classroom has expert teachers providing effective, evidence-based reading instruction.The FIVE from FIVE website provides information about the evidence on effective reading instruction, including the five keys to reading and explicit instruction.

Putting research into practice for teaching beginning readers: One school’s move to implement evidence based instruction.

– By Principal, Steven Capp, BWPS

Primary school teachers with the vital role of teaching children to read must know the most about this cognitive process and the effective instruction that facilitates it.

The research that supports the Simple View of Reading—reading as the product of word reading and language comprehension—is overwhelming. The idea that five main components, six if you include oracy, underpin reading is undisputed. They are:
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