Shanahan blog: 'Can I Still Rely on the National Reading Panel Report?'

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Shanahan blog: 'Can I Still Rely on the National Reading Panel Report?'

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

I've chosen to add this to IFERI's 'General Forum' because the question posed is relevant internationally. The findings of the National Reading Panel in 2000 have universal importance for reading instruction in the English language - and Tim Shanahan does a good job to explain why those findings are still relevant, important and not outdated: ... wJm8R.dpbs
Can I Still Rely on the National Reading Panel Report?

Teacher question:

I coordinate reading interventions for my district. I have been told to stop referring to the National Reading Panel, as it is old and no longer relevant. Our universal screener is based on the 5 components of reading, and our basal interventions are also aligned to the "big 5". I don't think there is any way for me to stop referencing the NRP. Would you please comment?

Shanahan's response:

That’s about as dopey as it gets.

Read the full post! :D
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