Debbie Hepplewhite's Phonics Intervention Blog

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Re: Debbie Hepplewhite's Phonics Intervention Blog

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

In England's context, there are lots of questions arising with 'What's happening about Letters and Sounds?'

Abigail Steel and I address a lot of issues around Letters and Sounds specifically, phonics provision and the need to make fully informed choices if considering a change of programme and practice.

This webinar is only an hour long, but it is interesting and even relevant beyond England's shores!

Schools in other countries, particularly Australia, use Letters and Sounds (DfES, 2007) as their schools' phonics programme:
Phonics: Moving on from Letters and Sounds
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Re: Debbie Hepplewhite's Phonics Intervention Blog

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

With all the developments in England's scenario, I'm being approached by many teachers and headteachers to talk about my phonics programmes and to describe their similarities and differences.

To support with explanations, Carl Pattison suggested we provide a video of a discussion about my rationale and the differences between 'No Nonsense Phonics' (Raintree) and my online 'Phonics International' programmes:

And here is more information comparing NNP, PI and my Floppy's Phonics (Oxford University Press) programmes: ... php?t=1156

Here is some background via The Naked Emperor about developments in England and the resurgence of interest in systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) programmes: ... blication/
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Re: Debbie Hepplewhite's Phonics Intervention Blog

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

We've had some really important developments in England for the teaching of foundational literacy.

The Department for Education (DfE) and Minister of State for School Standards, Nick Gibb, have published a new 'reading framework' today (10th July 2021) along with the latest list of newly DfE-validated 'Systematic Synthetic Phonics' programmes.

I describe my personal response after many years of campaigning in this field for evidence-informed reading instruction to these significant developments: ... -literacy/
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Re: Debbie Hepplewhite's Phonics Intervention Blog

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

At the time of posting this recorded webinar, Nick Gibb has been replaced by Robin Walker as Minister for School Standards in England, and the Department for Education has re-opened the 'validation' process for evaluating 'Systematic Synthetic Phonics' programmes and training.

There are some concerns, however, that this is leading to a formula for judging programmes and provision based on a couple of very specific phonics programmes without taking into account the design and guidance (the differences) of other programmes and training.

This is resulting in teachers panicking about their provision of cumulative, decodable reading books to the point of throwing out perfectly good quality reading book schemes along with a narrow allocation of reading books without taking into account the individual needs, progress and potential of children. This ranges from whether they need extra practice with simpler books - perhaps 'lagging behind' the code formally introduced in the class - to precocious children who, for reading, are readily self-teaching and racing ahead of their peers with their reading but are still appropriately placed for their phonics provision alongside their peers for spelling purposes:

Abigail Steel and I put forward our worries about the DfE micromanaging schools' provision and programme design and training:

This short document explains the situation - the danger of being too pedantic about the use of 'exactly matched' decodable reading books (to the code in the systematic phonics programme) versus 'what does every child as an individual need for their reading skill and capacity to read': ... bility.pdf
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Re: Debbie Hepplewhite's Phonics Intervention Blog

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

Dr Kathryn Garforth contributed to the very important Right to Read inquiry in Ontario, Canada.

As part of her work, Kathryn generously invites guests to join her in recorded discussions. The recording below is the second discussion we shared in April 2022 - this time linking the Right to Read inquiry findings and recommendations with my contribution of Food for Thought regarding evaluation of phonics programmes and practices: ... t-phonics/
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Re: Debbie Hepplewhite's Phonics Intervention Blog

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

I no longer use my 'The Naked Emperor' blog for articles featuring 'literacy'.

I now use this 'Reviews/Literacy Blog' here for any content related to Literacy: ... racy-blog/

This blog includes a range of posts, including some 'guest posts' from people in different contexts and countries - sharing their results and 'findings' from using any of my three 'DfE-validated' systematic synthetic phonics programmes.

The blog also includes various 'critiques' and 'developments' in the field of literacy. Some of these are of a serious nature and inevitably challenging!
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Re: Debbie Hepplewhite's Phonics Intervention Blog

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

August 2024 - It was wonderful to be invited as a guest speaker for 'The Literacy View' podcast series hosted by Judy Boksner and Faith Borkowsky from America.

The theme of Episode 87 was:
Strict Synthetic Phonics: What Does That Mean? with Debbie Hepplewhite
This featured a general review of an article, 'The Effectiveness of Teaching Methods for Learning to Read' (French Scientific Council for Education - CSEN) (link below the video recording - with further links to resources available):
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Re: Debbie Hepplewhite's Phonics Intervention Blog

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

December 2024 - I was invited to provide a talk for Edge Hill University in England. The university organised a week long phonics event that included student-teachers 'evaluating and comparing' 'DfE-validated' phonics programmes (England's Department for Education scrutinised 'systematic synthetic phonics' programmes according to a 'core criteria' and subsequently 'validated' 45 phonics programmes).

I have repeatedly urged people to appreciate that even when phonics programmes are 'validated' by the same 'core criteria', this does not mean they are the same. They have many similarities of course as they all introduce the English alphabetic code systematically and the phonics skills of decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) and promote or include the use of 'cumulative, decodable texts and/or reading books' - but there are also some distinct differences which may well make a difference in experiences and outcomes for children - particular those with various learning challenges.

I consider some of the 'differences' are important to understand and to examine closely. See: ... ritical-o/
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