Heartwarming story but it also misses the most important point...

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Heartwarming story but it also misses the most important point...

Post by Debbie_Hepplewhite »

Here is a heartwarming, and heartbreaking, piece in the New Statesman:
How a sugar company taught me to read

The New Statesman's special correspondent tells us how it was luck, as much as effort, that allowed him to overcome his dyslexia.
http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/ed ... ht-me-read

This is an acknowledgement of 'chance' in this man's life - and the lives of others.

This is, in effect, an appeal for funding - but I would go further than that, and suggest that if all schools taught reading the way that research shows reading should be taught, and universal testing took place at word level for decoding, then there would be much less need for centres such as the Bloomfield Centre.

We need the day to arrive when the all the schools do the job they are supposed to do which includes teaching the children who don't find reading easy and who may well have dyslexic traits or tendencies. It shouldn't matter.

In other words, there should be no need for Bloomfield type centres.
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